R2 Genomics Analysis and Visualization Platform

Welcome to The RNA Atlas forward into R2, an online datamining and discovery platform designed to assist the bio-medical researchers with limited to no Bioinformatics skills to perform datascience tasks in the omics field.

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Use the RNA Atlas to explore any RNA in 300 samples.

Use to various tools implemented in the R2 platform to visualize and analyze any RNA species identified in the resource. Hundreds of newly identified lncRNA's and other transcripts.

RNA Atlas

Compare the effects of poly-a vs ribo depletion in 300 samples enriched using both methods

Use the data embedded in R2 to do head-to-head comparisons on the expression of any gene to see the effect of using either RNA enrichment method. For all of the versions, also data sets are available in R2 to explore expression in groups using correlation, differential expression and more.

RNA head-to-head compare

R2 Longhorn viewer to analyze and view predicted associations between lncRNA and other RNA species.

LongHorn predicts modulation of canonical regulators (or effectors), including miRNA, RBP, and TF, by lncRNAs. Leveraging the RNA Atlas, LongHorn identifies four models for lncRNA regulation: Decoy: binds and inhibits the activity of effectors by affecting their availability to regulate their protein-coding targets Co-factor: binds proximal promoters of protein-coding genes and alter their regulation by TFs Guide: facilitates regulation of protein-coding genes by TFs Switch: alters the activity of TFs and RBPs across multiple targets.
The viewer in R2 allows you to browse through these data.


Ure the RNA profiler to explore any RNA signal in the Human genome

Explore the 300 samples sequenced with different strategies (poly-A, ribo depleted, small RNAs ) at base pair resolution.

Single Cell analysis

Transcript Explorer Find the most extreme examples of expression in the RNA Atlas data set

Generate comphehensive overviews of any transcript described in the RNA Atlas, including newly identified transcripts for mRNA, lncRNA, circRNA and any other RNA moiety.

Pers. Medicine

Download all the transcripts

Get your own copy of all the transcripts in GTF format to analyze your own RNAseq data for the presence of previously undescribed RNA entities.

Genome Browser

RNA Atlas belongs to a publication in Nature biotechnology

The RNA Atlas expands the catalog of human non-coding RNAs by Lucia Lorenzi et al. Nature Biotechnology volume 39, pages1453–1465 (2021) .

Epigenome ChIPseq

Contact us
AUMC, CEMM, 2022